Virtual Doula Training (Self paced recordings)
You will recieve recordings (4 days worth of training) and all electronic documents upon purchasing.
Upon completion of the training and assignments, you will receive your certificate after a one on one zoom call with doula trainer DeShaun Desrosiers. You will also be added to our virtual community for further support in family hood, business ventures, clients, free resources, and more.
For payment plans, please utilzie the PayPal Paylater feature on our website.
Please use a VALID E-Mail address.
Do you aspire to become a Doula? Maybe you are already a certified Doula, but you desire continued education. This training will be like no other! This training is geared towards any Doula who plans on serving the black birthing community at any point in their career.
Here’s just a few things we will be covering: Defining a Doula and their roles, structuring your business, history of black birth, breastfeeding education, morbidity and mortality, AND MORE.
Discount rate terms
New discounts do not apply to trainees who have already paid or started a payment plan.
Deposits cannot be returned, and there are no refunds after the training has already begun